Jiří Bělohlávek about his profession and music. Colleagues and friends about Jiří Bělohlávek. In newspapers, magazines, anthologies, and books. Selected interviews, reviews, comments, and memories.

The bibliography is continuously updated. We add newly published articles and publications and expand the list of older sources as well. If there is a significant source missing, please let us know at dirigent@jiribelohlavek.com. Thank you!
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Bibliography and annotation |
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2022 |
GOLDSCHEIDER, Alexander: Jiří Bělohlávek 1–40. KlasikaPlus. A series of memoires, biographies and articles based on A. Goldscheider’s photo-book on the life and work of J. Bělohlávek. All episodes are available on KlasikaPlus.cz and are archived by the Czech National Library. New episodes are added. More information related to each episode available on the author’s Facebook profile. |
Memoires Biography |
2021 |
GOLDSCHEIDER, Alexander: Jiří Bělohlávek: O hudbě. Obecní noviny. Informační měsíčník členů Židovské obce v Praze 2021, č. 12, s. 22–25. (Jiří Bělohlávek: On Music) Bělohlávek’s comments on various aspects of his career: conducting technique, a conductor’s status today, his teaching, recordings, national character in music. |
Interview |
2020 |
HRŮŠA, Jakub: Hrůša o Martinů. International Martinů Circle, Institut Bohuslava Martinů 2020. (Hrůša on Martinů) A book of reflections on Bohuslav Martinů by Jakub Hrůša, the well-known conductor and president of the International Martinů Circle. In addition to Hrůša’s ten texts about B. Martinů, it offers an interview with Jakub Hrůša and his own text about his teacher and friend Jiří Bělohlávek. Bilingual Czech-English edition. |
Memoires | |
2017 |
GOLDSCHEIDER, Alexander: Jiří Bělohlávek: A Life in Pictures. 2017. With more than 600 photographs and 160 pages, the book documents the lifelong career of Jiří Bělohlávek using thousands of unique statistical data. |
Biography | |
2017 |
KONRÁD, Daniel; KLEPAL, Boris: V hudbě se odhalí jakákoliv charakterová pokřivenost, říká v rozhovoru Jiří Bělohlávek. iHNed.cz 2017, 2. (Music betrays any corruption in character, says Bělohlávek) About the first period with the Czech Philharmonic (2012-2016) and plans for the following years. About contemporary classical music and the excessive “freedom” of notation, the importance of feedback and the constant variability of interpretation. |
Interview |
2016 |
VEBER, Petr; STEHLÍK, Luboš: Jiří Bělohlávek. Rozhovor k narozeninám. Harmonie 2016, č. 2, s. 4–16. (Interview on Bělohlávek’s birthday) The most comprehensive interview that Bělohlávek ever gave to a magazine. It looks back at his career, at his beginnings as a conductor, his studies with Sergiu Celibidache, his various professional meetings with the State Philharmonic in Brno, PKF - Prague Philharmonia, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Czech Philharmonic. About opera, favourite composers, and the uniqueness of live performance. |
Interview |
2014 |
NOVOTNÁ, Jitka: Když vaří múzy. Verzone 2014. (When Muses Cook) The book offers 16 interviews with classical musicians such as Radek Baborák, Jiří Bělohlávek, Kateřina Englichová, Simona Houda Šaturová, Jakub Hrůša and others. The main topic of the interviews is food, but readers will also get a glimpse of the artists’ lives. |
Interview |
2008 |
VEBER, Petr: Jiří Bělohlávek: Imponující je na Britech jejich neochvějná solidnost. Harmonie 16, 2008, č. 6, s. 18–20. (What I find impressive about the British is their unwavering solidity) The interview focuses on Bělohlávek’s work with the BBC SO, and also on the conducting profession, the conducting gesture, as well as memories and evaluation of the era with the Prague Symphony Orchestra, the first period as chief conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (1990-1992) and the years with the PKF - Prague Philharmonia. |
Interview |
2006 |
KOLÁČKOVÁ, Yvetta a kol.: Česká filharmonie 100 plus 10. Praha: Academia 2006. s. XY–XS. (Czech Philharmonic at 100) |
Short Biography |
2003 |
JAROLÍMKOVÁ, Hana; ZAPLETAL, Petar: O novém CD projektu z díla Bohuslava Martinů s dirigentem Jiřím Bělohlávkem. Hudební rozhledy 2003, č. 9, s. 42–43 (With Jiří Bělohlávek on a new CD project of Bohuslav Martinů’s works) An interview about the planned complete CD set of Bohuslav Martinů’s symphonies with the Czech Republic. On his relationship to music and his plans for the future. |
Interview |
1998 |
ŘÍHOVÁ, Klára: Magické ruce. Květy 1998, č. 23, s. 22–23. (Magical Hands) An interview about Bělohlávek’s professional and private life, about his childhood, youth and the business of a world-famous conductor’s life, about home and moments of relaxation. Family photos are included. |
Interview |
1996 |
NEKUDOVÁ, Hana: My dva spolu nedirigujeme. Vlasta 50, 1996, č. 24, s. 11 (We don’t conduct together, the two of us) An interview with Anna Fejérová, Jiří Bělohlávek’s wife. About how they met and their family. |
Interview |
1988 |
DOBROVSKÁ, Wanda: Má vlast – inspirující. Tvorba 1988, č. 22 (1. 6.), s. 14 (Má vlast – Inspiring) An interview with Jiří Bělohlávek about his relationship to Má vlast and his performance of it with the Czech Philharmonic in the Prague Spring opening concerts in 1988, where he decided to make an intermission after the fourth symphonic poem Z českých luhů a hájů, and not after Šárka, as had been the custom until then. |
Interview |
1986 |
JELÍNKOVÁ, Olga: Reprezentant české symfonické hudby. Lidová demokracie 42, 1986, č. 239 (10. 10.), s. 5 (Representing Czech music) About the gains and losses of a conductor’s work at home and abroad. On his debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker and other concerts abroad, on conducting by heart and his interpretational approach to various works. |
Interview |
1982 |
FRÝBOVÁ, Zdena: Pod taktovkou Jiřího Bělohlávka. Naše rodina 1982, č. 44, s. 13 (Under Jiří Bělohlávek’s baton) A large part of the interview is focused on the conductor’s experience with Japanese orchestras and reception of Czech music in Japan. Other topics include Bohuslav Martinů and Jiří Bělohlávek’s relationship to contemporary classical music and pop music. |
Interview |
1979 |
VÍTOVÁ, Eva: Tribuna mladých interpretů. Rozhovor s Jiřím Bělohlávkem. Hudební rozhledy 32, 1979, č. 5, s. 234 (Tribune of Young Artists) An interview about the importance of conducting competitions in the professional development of young conductors and about Bělohlávek’s relationship to Czech contemporary classical music. |
Interview |
1972 |
(kl): Poprvé na desku. Supraphonrevue 8, 1972, č. 4, s. 3 (First time on LP) |
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1969 |
(P. H.): Okénko do nebe hvězd. Obrana lidu: list Československé armády 28, 1969, 13. 12., č. 50, s. 7 (Window to the sky of stars) |
Interview |
1969 |
BUDIŠ, Ratibor: Tribuna mladých: Slibný talent. Hudební rozhledy 22, 1969, č. 11, s. 333 (Tribune of the Young: A Promising Talent) An interview on Bělohlávek’s musical beginnings, his singing in the Prague Philharmonic Children’s Choir and studying with Sergiu Celibidache. |
Interview |